Friday 6 November 2020

Hi, this is my new blog to document all of my goings-on in my life and my weight loss.

WW formally known as Weight Watchers has changed things around again and it now has three colour-coded plans; Green, Blue & Purple. I am following the Purple. These plans are basically WW older plans with a few tweaks and we are given a choice of which one to follow or to chop and change as our bodies take us.

I have been sticking to plan since last Monday and over three days; Monday to Thursday's weigh-in I lost 2.7lb. I am still on track. I have 35 weeklies as well as my 16 points per day and because I share my weekly points out throughout the week that gives me 21 points per day. I have finished today on 20 points and yesterday I finished on 19 points...pretty good going if you ask me!

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